( دعاء دخول السوق )
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو حي لا يموت، بيده الخير كله وهو على كل شيء قدير.

Straight Comb Temperature Control Hair Straightener For Sale What is a straightening comb used for? A hot comb (also known as a straightening comb or pressing comb) is a metal comb that is used to straighten moderate or coarse hair and create a smoother hair texture. A hot comb is heated and used to straighten the hair from the roots. It can be placed directly on the source of heat or it may be electrically heated. Is straightening comb good for hair? You shouldn't experience any major damage or breakage from your brush, as long as you're following your straightening brush's specific directions and applying a heat protectant spray or cream to your hair before using it. Which type of comb is best for hair? Hair Straightener Comb, Straight Hair Comb, Anion Hair Straightening Comb for women - LF909Do you have frizzy coarse hair? And are you looking for a hair Straight Comb Temperature Control Hair Straightener Price 2300 PKR Online Shopping in Pakistan, Buy Now & Pay Cash on Delivery | EasyShop.Com.PK

تاريخ البناء : ٣٠-٤٠ سنه
التجهيزات : بدون تشطيب
الحمامات : ١
غرف النوم : ٢
الكماليات : مفروش بدون تكييفات


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